Instructor - PA 5932 Working with Data: Finding, Managing, and Using Data

Graduate-level course, University of Minnesota, 2021

/ Syllabus / Student Rating of Teaching Report /

This course will teach you how to find, download, manipulate, combine, and organize quantitative data to answer policy questions in efficient ways. You will gain hands-on experience working in Excel and Stata through class exercises and assignments. You will also be able to apply the skills learned to your own policy analysis. The software applications used in this class include Excel, Stata, and Adobe Illustrator.

You will learn best if you have a particular data set in mind that you would like to explore through this class. However, not having a data set in mind is also fine! I will provide you with data sets to work with.

After successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Determine where to find data for policy-related topics.
  2. Clean and manipulate 2nd hand data sets to answer policy-related questions.
  3. Automate table-making for descriptive statistics and regression results.
  4. Produce publication-quality figures that help you to answer policy-related questions.
  5. Manage your data effectively and ensure reproducibility of your policy analysis.